Monday, December 31, 2007

How I spent my summer vacation!

I walk by the Cherry Tree every time I head to the subway. The signs on the windows promising nights of trivia, Guitar Hero, and karaoke in a setting that looked like a comfortable place where everyone would eventually know your name. Unfortunately, that dream is now gone from me.

Sure bartender, I'll buy your story that your boss won't let in groups of people if the females are under 23 and the males are under 25, as if your boss was creating some modern hybrid of ladies night and the law. Then I'll further buy your story when you are pressed for details and explain that if any one of us were there by ourselves, it would be OK. I sure can't wait for that magic age of 24, when my female friends become the epitome of classy social drinkers, while all my male friends will suddenly become violent and destructive drunks (but only when in groups)!

Trying to keep out immature kids so they won't "tear down your signs"? Advertising 5 dollar beer bongs and nights of beer pong is really a good way to do that. For Christ's sake, Cherry Tree, you have Big Buck Hunter. You can't fool me into thinking you run the swankiest lounge in Brooklyn with your garbage stories.

Want to know what is actually "immature"? Your bartender pulling out his cell phone and making a fake phone call to his "boss" to check to make sure that the "ladies night" policy is really in effect. If you don't want us there because you have never seen a Maine ID before and you are confused by the pretty colors, then man up and kick us out. Don't give some fake apology and BS story then give your buddy a high five as we walk out the door. This isn't some one horse town. I don't need you.

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