Friday, March 28, 2008

Tie-Day Friday

I think there is like a secret society for sexy peopleand membership affords the ability to look at each other for long stretches of time during chance encounters stealing glances on the subway platform or in line somewhere. All for one and one for all they would say if they weren't too busy vaguely puting their lips. Words shatter cool disinterest. They know. They understand. Like kisses they send the message. We make the world go round and brighten everyone else's day. Its comforting to know I'm not the only one going through this. Thanks for helping out. This I think is why I wore a tie today.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

the bs series: part %f


Re: BXB018 Validation Notification

To Whom It May Concern in the Claims Department at HRRG:

I received a bill via my mother’s home address for a charge of $641.00 this past week. However, I have never visited the health care provider listed, nor ever been to Kingston, NY. Please rectify the confusion.

Thank you,

Caroline Henley